
Australind SHS primarily communicates with parents/carers through two online programs, Connect and Compass. Whilst we also use email, text messages, phone-calls, letters and Facebook to communicate, we strongly encourage parents to get on board with Connect and Compass as these are our primary methods of communication.

Compass is the platform we use for student management. We use this to record and monitor the attendance of students in each of their classes throughout the day. When students are absent for an unexplained reason, notification is sent to parents or care givers to notify them. Compass is also used by staff for more individualised communication regarding students.

Please note that all notes entered into Compass by parents are marked as absences. Australind SHS request that parents only use the Absences for whole day absences, or to explain why students are late to school. If your child has been marked absent for a period during the day, and they have informed you that they were at school, please contact the school via SMS, email or phone to have this issue resolved.

By using Compass you can monitor your child’s attendance and enter an explanation for absence or lateness, update family contact information and communicate with teachers.

Bookings for Parent/Teacher Interviews are made via Compass (you will be advised when the booking system is open). Parents will be notified in due course as our school begins to utilise additional features of Compass

Parents and care givers can use the Compass app to provide consent for school excursions and events.

Upon commencing enrolment of your child, you will receive email correspondence with login information and details to set up your account for both Compass and Connect. If you have any issues accessing these applications, please contact the school on (08) 9797 4400 or by email

Please remember to notify the school of any updates to personal information including contact details (home/postal address/telephone/email) and any updates to medical conditions for students.